Name | Photo | Research |
Paul Standish | ![]() |
Paul Standish is Professor of Philosophy of Education at UCL Institute of Education. His work is characterised by a broadly phenomenological approach to education, with particular regard to language. He is the author or editor of some twenty books – most recently Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Translation (2017, Rowman & LIttlefield) and Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell (2019, Wiley), both in collaboration with Naoko Saito. He is Chair of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain. |
Sandra Laugier | ![]() |
Sandra Laugier is Professor of Philosophy at Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France, and a Senior member of Institut Universitaire de France.
She is deputy director of the Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne UMR 8103, CNRS Paris 1 A former student of the Ecole normale supérieure and of Harvard University, she has extensively published on epistemology and philosophy of language; ordinary language philosophy (Wittgenstein, Austin, Cavell), moral philosophy (moral perfectionism, ethics of care), American philosophy (Cavell, Thoreau, Emerson) gender studies, democracy and civil disobedience, and popular culture (film and TV series). She is the translator of Stanley Cavell’s work. She has been recently Visiting Researcher, Max Planck Institute, Berlin, 2014 and 2015, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA 2011, “Chaire invitée” at the Facultés Saint-Louis de Bruxelles, October 2009, Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins University, 2008, 2009. She is a Visiting Professor in 2019 at La Sapienza Roma, and Boston University, USA. She has lectured at various universities in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, England, USA (BU, Tufts, Harvard), Canada, Brazil, Peru, China, Japan, Taiwan, SIngapore. She has also acted (2010-2017) as Deputy Director of the Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (Division of Human and Social Science) of the CNRS. She has worked at the development of research in gender studies at the CNRS. She has created the Institut du Genre (national network on gender studies) and has launched the Gender challenge (interdisciplinary approaches to gender) at CNRS. She has been Special Adviser to the President of CNRS for Science and Society. Awards : Senior member of Institut Universitaire de France, 2012, renewed in 2018 Légion d’Honneur (Highest French Award) 2014 Member of Academia Europea, 2016- ERC Advanced Grant, 2018, project DEMOSERIES some publications Le souci des autres (with P. Paperman), éditions de l’EHESS, Paris, 2006. Pourquoi désobéir en démocratie ? (co authored with A. Ogien), La Découverte, Paris, 2010. Why We Need Ordinary Language Philosophy, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2013. Le Principe Démocratie (co authored with A. Ogien), La Découverte, Paris, 2014. Etica e politica dell’ordinario, LED, Milano, 2015. Formes de vie (co ed with E. Ferrarese), CNRS Editions 2018 She is also a columnist at the French Journal Libération. |
Sami Pihlström | ![]() |
Sami Pihlström is Professor of Philosophy of Religion at the Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki. He is currently also Chair of the Research Council for Culture and Society at the Academy of Finland (2019-2021) as well as the President of the Philosophical Society of Finland. His recent publications include Pragmatic Pluralism and the Problem of God (Fordham UP, 2013), Death and Finitude(Lexington, 2016), and Kantian Antitheodicy: Philosophical and Literary Varieties (with Sari Kivistö, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), as well as numerous articles on pragmatism, philosophy of religion, the problem of evil, and transcendental philosophy in journals and edited volumes. |
Sari Kivistö | ![]() |
Sari Kivistö is Professor of Comparative Literature at the Tampere University, Finland, and a former Deputy Director and Director of the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. Since 2018,she is an invited lifetime member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (Academia Scientiarum Fennica) and, since 2017, of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters (Societas Scientiarum Fennica). Her research interests include epistemic vices, suffering and antitheodicy in literature, Neo-Latin literature and academic history. Kivistö’s publications include more than one hundred scholarly articles and 20 monographs or edited books, such as Lucubrationes Neolatinae: Readings of Neo-Latin Dissertations and Satires (2018), Kantian Antitheodicy: Philosophical and Literary Varieties (with Sami Pihlström, 2016), The Vices of Learning: Morality and Knowledge at Early Modern Universities (2014), and Medical Analogy in Latin Satire (2009). She has also translated a number of medical, ornithological and rhetorical dissertations from Latin into Finnish. |
Keiko Matsui | ![]() |
Keiko Matsui Gibson is Professor of Comparative Literature in the Department of English at Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba, Japan. She received her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Indiana University and taught at Knox College and Pennsylvania State University before returning to Japan. Her research primarily focuses on hermeneutic, figurative, ethical, and philosophical examination of 19th and 20th century Japanese and English language literature including authors such as Mori Ogai, Natsume Soseki, Kazuo Ishiguro, Lisa Genova, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickenson, and Robert Frost. She draws upon literary and philosophical theories including Care Ethics, Poststructuralism, and American Pragmatism. In her research, she stands in between the modern and the postmodern, making efforts to overcome dichotomies such as theory and practice, universalism and particularism, the conceptual and empirical, facts and values. For the last several years, she has been actively involved in research projects on human dignity, literature, and American Pragmatism among others.
Publications: ‘Examining Social Justice in between Translation Studies and Deconstruction’ in: Naoko Saito, Paul Standish, Yasuo Imai (ed.), Social Justice in the Midst of Translation (Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 2018). “Re-examining Human Dignity in Literary Texts: In Seeking for a Continuous Dialogue Between the Conceptual and the Empirical Approaches” (Wiley Periodicals and Dialog: A Journal of Theology Volume 56, Number 1, March 2017). “Can the Ethics of Care Become a Global Ethics?” (Tokyo: German Applied Ethics Studies, vol.2, 2011). “Moral Dilemma on Life and Death: Impossibility of Self-Determination as Seen in the Narrative World of My Sister’s Keeper” in Liberty and Autonomy (Tokyo: Ochanomizu shobo, 2010). “The Educational Philosophy of John Dewey and the Modern Times” in Theory and Reality in History (Tokyo: Ochanomizu shobo, 2008). “The Political and Postmodernism: Aporia between Equality and Differences in Theory of Justice” in Community and Justice (Tokyo: Ochanomizu shobo, 2004). |
Anton Sevilla-Liu (瀬平劉アントン) | ![]() |
Anton Sevilla-Liu is Associate Professor for Philosophy of Education at Kyushu University, Japan. His research has three interconnected domains: theory, praxis, and qualitative research. For theory, he does research on ethics of education, particularly using the ideas of Watsuji Tetsurô and Mori Akira. (He is the author of Watsuji Tetsurô’s Global Ethics of Emptiness, Palgrave 2017.) For praxis, he examines various issues in student guidance, moral education, and spiritual education. And for qualitative research, he focuses on narrative and phenomenological analysis on the inner workings of the process of human becoming. He is also one of the editors of the Journal of Japanese Philosophy. |
Tomohiro Akiyama | ![]() |
Tomohiro Akiyama is Visiting Professor at Nanjing University, Visiting Professor at Kobe Institute of Computing, Honorary Research Associate at University of Cape Town. He pursues integral studies and integral practices for humanity and nature. His representative publications include: /Integral Leadership Education for Sustainable Development/(2012), /Perspectives on Sustainability Assessment /(2012), /Environmental Leadership Capacity Building in Higher Education/ (2013), /Sustainability Science/ (2016), /Toward Creation of Integral Science/ (2016). | URL:
Minako Saigo | ![]() |
Minako SAIGO is a JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientist (2022-2025). Her main research interest is in John Dewey’s philosophy of education, especially in aesthetic experience and democracy. Her recent publication is John Dewey and ‘Art as Life’: The Theory and Practice of Educational Philosophy in the 1920s and 1930s [Kyoto University Press, 2022 in Japanese]) and “John Dewey’s Criticism of ‘Child-Centeredness’: A Study Focused on the Controversy between Dewey and Naumburg on Children’s Artistic Activities” (Kyoto University Research Studies in Education, 2019 [in Japanese]). She acquired her doctorate in 2020. Email: |
Nami Fujimoto | ![]() |
Nami Fujimoto is Senior Lecturer at Aichi University of Education. She is particularly interested in exploring the idea and practice of political/citizenship education. Her recent publications include “On Rancière’s Aesthetics of Knowledge: Reconsidering Citizenship Education,” Kyoto University Research Studies in Education, No. 65, 2019, pp. 359-371 (in Japanese). She also translated Chapter 4 of Gert J.J. Biesta, The Rediscovery of Teaching, London: Routledge,2017, into Japanese. |
Yoshida |
Koji Yoshida is CEO of Cross Philosophies, Ltd. which is Japan’s first philosophy-based consulting firm. After receiving a Ph.D. in philosophy from Sophia University, he became a postdoctoral research fellow at Sophia University (2012-2014) and a JSPS research fellow at the University of Tokyo (2014-2017). In 2017, he established Cross Philosophies, Ltd., offering organizational and human resource development, executive coaching, research on social issues, and a school of philosophical practice called Academeia Philosophica. He is also a part-time lecturer at Sophia University, a board member of the Japan Society for Process Studies. He is the author of Philosophy Thinking (Magazine House, 2020) and a co-author of Beyond Superlatives: Regenerating Whitehead’s Philosophy of Experience (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014).
researchmap: クロス・フィロソフィーズ株式会社: |
Elena Nardelli | ![]() |
Elena Nardelli is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-Doctoral Global Fellow at the University of Padova and Kyoto with the research project “Philosophy as Translation: Toward a Translational Education” (PHILTRANS). She is the author of the book Al bivio della traduzione. Heidegger e Derrida (2021, PUP) and a translator from German and French into Italian. Her research focuses on the philosophy of translation, ontology, and philosophy of education. |
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