Lectures and Presentations
Lectures and Presentations
Naoko Saito (with Paul Standish, Steven Fesmire, Vincent Colapietro and Jim Garrison), “Naoko Saito’s American Philosophy in Translation (2018),” at the panel, "Author-Meets -Critics Discussion," at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Friday, March 12, 2021, online)
Naoko Saito and Tomohiro Akiyama, " Distance Education and Pursuit of the Common at the Time of COVID-19: Ontology of Separation", at the Annual Meeting of Philosophy of Education Society, (Online, March 3 -8, 2021)
Naoko Saito, "Crossing Gender Divides: Transcendentalist Political Education," at International Workshop "Education to Democracy," December 18, 2020 (Zoom meeting) (The research project of French-Japan collaboration (between CNRS and JSPS).
Naoko Saito and Tomohiro Akiyama, "Distance Education and Pursuit of the Common at the Time of COVID-19: Ontology of Separation," at Online International Conference, "Political Education and the Pandemic" (November 6, 2020) (Zoom meeting) (JSPS Promotion of Joint International Research [Fostering Joint International Research (B)]
Naoko Saito, “Reclaiming the Feminine Voice in American Transcendentalism: Bridging Divides in Political Education,” at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society (Pittsburgh, March 9, 2020) (Pere-reviewed) 【代理発表】
Naoko Saito, “Care Ethics and the Feminine Voice in Philosophy,” at International Conference, “Political Education for Human Transformation: Interdisciplinary and International Research in Philosophy and Education” (The research project of French-Japan collaboration (between CNRS and JSPS), 26th February, 2020/ Shirankaikan Annex
Naoko Saito, “Reclaiming the Feminine Voice in American Transcendentalism,” at International Conference, CNRS and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Paris 1st University Panthéon Sorbonne, Institut des Scieence Juridique et Philosophique de la Soebonne, December 14, 2019)
Naoko Saito, “Book launch on Naoko Saito’s American Philosophy in Translation (London: Rowman and Little Fields, 2019),” at London Branch meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (London, December 11, 2019)
Naoko Saito, “Democracy as a Way of Life and An-archic Perfectionism,” at International Conference, “Perfectionism in Literature, Philosophy, and Film: A Tribute to Stanley Cavell,” (Albuquerque, University of New Mexico, October 17-18, 2019). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy, Education and Translation: Towards Bidirectional Academic Exchange ” at International Panel, “Internationalization of Philosophy of Education in the Age of Globalization” 日本教育哲学会年次大会シンポジウム(広島大学、2019年10月13日)(基調講演)(English)
Naoko Saito, “Recognition and Acknowledgment in Honneth and Cavell,” at International Conference, “Religion, Acknowledgment and Recognition” (University of Helsinki, September 30, 2019).
齋藤直子「『<内なる光>と教育』を共働実学する」樹福書院「復幸実学共働学習会」(大阪、2019年7月19日) (招待講演)
Naoko Saito, “From Recognition to Acknowledgment,” アメリカ哲学フォーラム第6回年次大会(京都大学、2019年6月23日)(English)
Naoko Saito, “The Soul and its Society: Dewey, Cavell and Wittgenstein” at International Conference, “Wittgenstein and Pragmatism” (Sapienza University, Rome, June 18, 2019). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “What Measures Justice? What Justifies Happiness? Emersonian Moral Perfectionism and the Cultivation of Political Emotions,” at International Conference, “Thoughts of Movies: Celebrating Stanley Cavell” (Paris 1st University, Sorbonne, June 13, 2019). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Stanley Cavell and the Aesthetics of the Ordinary,” at International Conference, “Celebrating Cavell: Must We Mean at Fifty” (Boston University, February 10, 2019). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “From Recognition to Acknowledgment: Towards an an-Archic Perfectionism,” at Workshop, “Education to Democracy,” CNRS and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at Paris 1st University (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Institut des Sciences Juridique et Philosophique de la Sorbonne) (December 17, 2018). (English)
Naoko Saito, “The Poetics of the Ordinary: Reverberations of the Feminine Voice,” at London Branch meeting of Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (UCL Institute of Education, December 12, 2018). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Continuing Education with Stanley Cavell,” at the conference, “Celebrating the Life and Work of Stanley Cavell” (Harvard University, November 10, 2019). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Politics of Acknowledgment: Towards An-archic Perfectionism” at the Third European Pragmatism Conference, (University of Helsinki, June 14, 2018). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Learning from Disequilibrium, Educating the Feminine Voice in Philosophy” at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (New College, Oxford, Sunday 25 March 2018). (Peer Reviewed) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Educating the Feminine Voice in Philosophy” at the 74th annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, (Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Friday 23 March 2018). (English) (Invited talk)
Naoko Saito, “Learning from Disequilibrium: Questioning the Voice of Philosophy,” at Ethics and Education (University of Warsaw, November 25, 2017). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy, Translation and the Anxieties of Inclusion,” at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, April 1, 2017). (Invited, keynote) (English)
Paul Standish and Naoko Saito, “Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Translation” (Teachers College, Columbia University, March 23, 2017). (Invited) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Challenging Inclusion and Philosophy as Translation,” at International Conference, “Changing Politics: Conversations with Stanley Cavell” (Tufts University, March 22, 2017). (English)
Paul Standish and Naoko Saito, “Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Translation,” a panel, “Author-meets-critics” at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society (Seattle, March 19, 2017). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Excellent Sheep or Wild Ducks? Reclaiming the Humanities for Beautiful Knowledge,” at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society (Seattle, March 18, 2017). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “American Philosophy in Translation,” at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Arlington, Alabama, March 16, 2017). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, Towards an Economy of Beautiful Knowledge, at International Symposium with Kyoto University, Beijing Normal University and University College London Institute of Education (京都大学、2016年12月9日). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Pragmatism, Analysis and Inspiration: Continuing Education with Hilary Putnam,” at the conference, “Pragmatic Themes in the Philosophy of Hilary Putnam,” (New School for Social Research, November 18, 2016) (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “John Dewey and Democracy and Education: Towards the Economy of Beautiful Knowledge” (National Taiwan Normal University, November 4, 2016). (Invited, keynote) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Translation on its Own Terms? Towards Education for Global Culture,” at the 15th biennial meeting of International Network of Philosophers of Education (University of Warsaw, August 20, 2016). (Invited, response to keynote) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Understanding Other Cultures, the Art of Translation and Challenging Inclusion” the panel, “Political Emotions and the Anxieties of Inclusion,” at the 15th Biennial meeting of International Network of Philosophers of Education (University of Warsaw, August 19, 2016). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Immigrancy of the Self, Continuing Education: Recollection in Cavell’s Little Did I Know and Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life,” at the 15th Biennial meeting of International Network of Philosophers of Education (University of Warsaw, August 18, 2016). (Invited, concurrent paper) (English)
Naoko Saito, “American Philosophy in Translation,” at Special Session, “American Philosophy in Cross-Cultural Dialogue – Conversations with Richard J. Bernstein,” organized by SPIRITS project at Kyoto University (京都大学、2016年6月11日). (English)
Naoko Saito, ”The Feminine Voice in Philosophy: Cavell and Perfect Pitch,” in SPIRITS International Project, “Philosophy as Translation and Understanding Other Cultures” “The Cultivation of the Aesthetic Imagination” (京都大学、2016年3月12日). (English)
Naoko Saito, “The Twilight of American Philosophy,” at Gregynog Conference, the Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (Gregynog, Wales, July 28, 2015). (Invited Talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Finding my Voice: Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Autobiography,” at International Workshop in Honor of Stanley Cavell (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, July 10, 2015). (Invited Talk) (English)
Naoko Saito “Feminism of the Father Tongue: Replacing the Subject of Philosophy,” at International Conference, “Women in the History of Philosophy,” (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, June 16, 2015) (English)
Naoko, Saito, “Contesting Tears: Emersonian Moral Perfectionism and the Cultivation of Political Emotions.”, at International Symposium, “Reconciliation and Forgiveness,” organized by the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (University of Helsinki), the Academy of Finland and the Philosophical Society of Finland, (University of Helsinki June 4, 2015). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Lost in Translation? Addressing Internationalization Today”, at International Symposium, “Research and Study Possibilities in and on Japan”, Academy of Finland, Japan Promotion of Science and Japan Embassy in Finland, (University of Helsinki, Monday 11 May 2015). (Keynote speech) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation and Understanding Other Cultures,” at Seminar at Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (University of Helsinki, Tuesday 28 April 2015). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Stanley Cavell and the Cultivation of Political Emotions,” at the Division of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities, Psychology and Theology, Åbo Akademi University (Åbo Akademi University, 20 April 2015,). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation and Education for Understanding Other Cultures,” the symposium, “Educational Problems in Translation,” at the 50th annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (New College, Oxford, Friday 27 March 2015). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Transcendence in the Ordinary: Can We Ask How?” a panel, “Experiencing Transcendence” at the 71st annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society (Memphis, Tennessee, March 15 2015). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Gifts from a Foreign Land: Lost in Translation and the Understanding of Other Cultures” at the 71st annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society (Memphis, Tennessee, March 15 2015). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation and the Realism of the Obscure,” at the final meeting of the SPIRITS (Supporting Program for Interaction-based Initiative Team Studies, Kyoto University) project (UCL Institute of Education, February 14, 2015). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Realism of the Obscure: Cavell, Thoreau and Philosophy as Translation” at International Symposium “Philosophy as Translation: American Philosophy in Cross-Cultural Settings” (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, November 18, 2014). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation: Higher Education for Global Citizens?” at the 4th Swedish Pragmatism Colloquium on Education (Uppsala University, Department of Education, October 30, 2014). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Cavell, Music and the Criticism of Culture” (Department of Education, Stockholm University, October 28, 2014). (Invited talk). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Taking a Chance: Education for Aesthetic Judgment and the Criticism of Culture,” at the 14th biennial meeting of the International Network of the Philosophers of Education (University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy, August 23, 2014). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Cavell, Thoreau and Philosophy as Translation,” at Round Table, “Lost in Translation and Education for Understanding Other Cultures,” at the 14th biennial meeting of the International Network of the Philosophers of Education (University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy, August 20, 2014). (English)
Naoko Saito, Lost in Translation and Education for Understanding Other Cultures,” at International Symposium between University of Bordeaux and Kyoto University (University of Bordeaux, May 6, 2014). (English)
Naoko Saito, “The Prospect of Emerson and Democracy in Japan,” at Symposium, “Emerson and Buildung: Self-Cultivation, Social Critique, Democracy,” at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, March 29, 2014). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Critical Thinking and Resilience: Some Possibilities of American Thought” at the 70th annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society (Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 15, 2014). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Some Pragmatic Preferences for Transcendence and its Criticism,” at an alternative session, “Transcendence and Education,” at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Alternative Session (Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 14, 2014). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “American Philosophy and its Eastern Strains: Crisis, Resilience, and Self-transcendence,” at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Denver, Colorado, March 8, 2014). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “American Philosophy and its Eastern Strains: Crisis, Resilience, and Self-Transcendence,” at XXIII World Congress of Philosophy (University of Athens, Athens, August 6, 2013) (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Introduction to the book launch for Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups, Naoko Saito and Paul Standish (Eds.)” (Institute of Education, University of London (June 25, 2013) (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Exceeding Thought: Standing on Tiptoe between the Private and the Public” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Portland Oregon, March 15, 2013). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “The Dawning of American Philosophy: From Putnam and Rorty towards Cavell” at the 40th annual meeting of Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, (The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, March 8, 2013). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
齋藤直子「ポール・スタンディッシュ『自己を超えて』の紹介」書評セッション、日本現象学・社会科学学会第29回年次大会 (神戸大学、2012年12月1日)
Naoko Saito, “The Senses of the Ordinary in Walden,” at International workshop at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris, October 5-6, 2012). (Invited talk) (English).
Naoko Saito, “Beyond the Self: Discipline and Tradition Twenty Years in Translation” a panel on Paul Standish’s book, Beyond the Self: Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Levinas and the Limits of Language) at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (New College, Oxford, March 31, 2012). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Conversation without Conversion: Becoming Political in Uncommon Schools,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Pittsburgh, March 24, 2012). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Is Dewey More Cosmopolitan than Thoreau?” (revised to: “‘The wild Goose is More Cosmopolite than We’: Encountering the Untranslatable, Becoming Cosmopolitan”), Cavell Colloquium (Harvard University, March 20, 2012). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Is Dewey More Cosmopolitan than Thoreau?” at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (New York, Fordham University, March 17, 2012). (English) (Peer Reviewed) *Award winning paper (Joseph L. Blau Prize)
Naoko Saito, “Conversations of Justice,” 生存科学研究所主催会議 (東京大学、2011年12月17日). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation” (神田外語大学、2011年11月21日). (Invited lecture) (English)(招待講義)
Naoko Saito, “The Conversation of Justice: Rawls, Sandel, Cavell and Education for Political Literacy,” at Plenary Session, “Education for Social Justice,” in 10th East-West Philosophers’ Conference (University of Hawaii, Hawaii, May 21, 2011). (Invited lecture) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Systematic or Bland: Two False Routes to Moral Conversation” a research seminar at the Institute of Education (University of London, March 29, 2011). (English)
Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, “Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups” a panel discussion, at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Spoken, Washington, March 12, 2011). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “The Conversation of Justice: Rawls, Sandel, Cavell and Education for Political Literacy” at the branch meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (Institute of Education, University of London, February 2, 2011). (Invited talk) (English).
Naoko Saito, “Beyond the Inner Self, Towards the Cosmopolitan Self: Reconsidering the Significance of American Philosophy in Educational Research,” at International Conference at K.U. Leuven (Leuven, November 19, 2010). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “‘We are Alone, and We are Never Alone’: The Political Education of Human Nature,” at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, March 27, 2010). (English) (Peer Reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Becoming Cosmopolitan – or, How can a Japanese Advance American Philosophy?” at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Charlotte, NC on March 13, 2010). (Invited talk) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Becoming Cosmopolitan, Achieving Happiness: Philosophy as Translation,” at the International Conference (Berlin Free University, February 10, 2010). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups: American Transcendentalism and Ordinary Language Philosophy,” 生存科学研究所主催会議(東京大学、2009年12月10日). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Democracy Yet to Come: Towards the Great Community for the Great Man,” at University of Calabria (Cosenza, Italy, October 2, 2009). (Invited lecture) (English).
Naoko Saito, “From Language to Citizenship: Towards a Just Society beyond Evidence,” a panel, “Stanley Cavell: Theory, Politics and the Evidence of the Ordinary,” at the annual meeting of European Conference on Educational Research (Vienna, Austria, September 29, 2009). (English)(Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “From Meritocracy to Aristocracy: Towards a Just Society for the Great Man,” at the annual meeting of Cambridge Philosophy of Education Conference (Cambridge, September 23, 2009). (Invited talk)(English).
Naoko Saito, “Quiet Desperation, Silent Melancholy: Polemos and Passion in Citizenship Education,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, April 5, 2009). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Finding Perfect Pitch: Reading Narratives with Stanley Cavell,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Montreal, March 21, 2009). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Beyond Monolingualism: Philosophy as Translation and the Understanding of Other Cultures,” at the biannual meeting of International Network for Philosophers of Education (京都大学, August 10, 2008). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, “Transcending Borders from Within: Cavell and Apolitical Politics of Interpretation,” at the international colloquium (University of Stockholm, Stockholm, May 21, 2008). (Invited lecture) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Beyond Monolingualism: Philosophy as Translation and the Understanding of Other Cultures,” at the international colloquium (Malardalen University, Eskilstuna, Sweden, May 16, 2008, May 16, 2008). (Invited lecture) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Reading Deconfounded: Cavell and Philosophy as Translation,” at the International Conference, “Stanley Cavell and Literary Criticism” (Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, May 11, 2008). (English)(Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, Introduction to “Stanley Cavell and the Education of the Grownups,” a panel with Stanley Cavell and Hilary Putnam, at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society (Cambridge, MA., April 13, 2008). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Ourselves in Translation: Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Autobiography,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, March 29, 2008). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, “Introduction to Beyond the Self,” at the international colloquium for an exchange between the Institute of Education (IOE), University of London, and the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University (Kyoto), “Self, Other and Language: Dialogue between Philosophy, Psychology and Comparative Education,” (Institute of Education, University of London, March 25, 2008). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Skepticism, Tragedy and Pragmatism: Emerson, Dewey and Cavell,” at the “International Conference on Death and Spirituality” at Sogang University (Korea, October 10, 2007). (Invited lecture) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Beyond The Gleam of Light: From Dewey to Cavell,” at Teachers College, Columbia University (New York, July 18, 2007). (Invited lecture)(English).
Naoko Saito, “Beyond the Limits of Deweyan Pragmatism: Dewey, Japan and Globalization,” at International Conference, “John Dewey Reconstructing Democracy” (Matera, Italy, May 26, 2007). (Invited lecture) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Truth is Translated: Cavell’s Thoreau and the Transcendence of America,” (K. U. Leuven, May 21, 2007). (English).
Naoko Saito, “Globalization and the Understanding of Other Cultures: Beyond the Limits of Deweyan Democracy,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, March 31, 2007). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “‘Our Education is Sadly Neglected’: Reading, Translating and the Politics of Interpretation,”” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Atlanta, Georgia, March 16, 2007). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation: American Philosophy, Perfectionism and Cross-cultural Understanding,” at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Columbia, South Carolina, March 10, 2007). (English) (Peer-reviewed) (*Iia and John Mellow Prize awarded)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation: Education for Inter-/Intra-Cultural Understanding with Cavell and Thoreau,” at the “Cavell Colloquium” (Harvard University, October 29, 2006). (English)
Naoko Saito, “The Gleam of Light: Friendship, Teaching and Emersonian Moral Perfectionism,” at the “Cavell Colloquium” (Harvard University, October 27, 2006). (English).
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation: Education for Inter-/Intra-Cultural Understanding with Cavell and Thoreau,” at the biannual meeting of International Network for Philosophers of Education (Malta, August 4, 2006). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “The Gleam of Light: Friendship, Teaching and Emersonian Moral Perfectionism,” at the Gregynog Conference of the Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (Gregynog, Wales, June 8, 2006). (Invited lecture) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Leaving and Bequeathing: Friendship, Moral Perfectionism and the Gleam of Light,” at the symposium, “Friendship in Emerson and Thoreau” (Oregon University, May 20, 2006,). (Invited lecture) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Education, Education as Philosophy: Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, March 31, 2006). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “From Dewey’s Emergent Self to Cavell’s Dissolution of the Self,” a book panel for David Granger’s John Dewey, Robert Pirsig, and the Art of Living: Revisioning Aesthetic Education at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society (March, 2006). (English)(Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Perfectionism and the Love of Humanity: Democracy as a Way of Life after Dewey, Thoreau and Cavell,” at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (San Antonio, TX, March 10, 2006). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation,” (Department of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, February 2, 2006). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Stanley Cavell and The Senses of Walden,” (国際基督教大学、2005年10月26日). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Pragmatism and Perfectionism: Emerson, Thoreau, Dewey and Cavell,” at the Summer Institute of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Oregon, July 13-14, 2005). (Invited lecture) (English)
Naoko Saito, “Democracy, Education, and the “Politics of Interpretation: Dewey, Cavell and the Possibility of Pragmatism,” at the 9th East-West Philosophers’ Conference (Honolulu, June 10, 2005). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Growth or Perfectionism?: Dewey after Emerson and Cavell,” at the John Dewey Society Symposium in the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Montreal, April 11, 2005). (Invited lecture) (English).
Naoko Saito, “Teaching, Leaving and Bequeathing: From Dewey’s Common School to Cavell’s Uncommon School” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, April 3, 2005). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Teaching, Leaving and Bequeathing: From Dewey’s Common School to Cavell’s Uncommon School,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (San Francisco, March 18, 2005). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Reawakening Global Awareness: Deweyan Religious Democracy Reconsidered in the Age of Globalization,” at the biannual meeting of International Network for Philosophers of Education (Madrid, August 6, 2004). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “The Sense of Responsibility: Learning from Cavell’s Perfectionist Education,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, April 3, 2004). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Perfection without Perfectibility: Moral Education after Walden,” at the spring retreat of National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation (New York, March 19, 2004). (English).
Naoko Saito, “Citizenship without Inclusion: Religious Democracy after Dewey, Emerson and Thoreau,” at the annual meeting of Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Birmingham, AL, March 5, 2004). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Pragmatism and the Transcendence of America,” at International Symposium, “Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Technology in the 21st Century” (東京大学 哲学センター、2003年12月12日). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Deweyan Democracy, Emersonian Perfectionism, and Citizenship Education,” at the annual meeting of National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation (Cambridge, MA, October 17, 2003) (English).
Naoko Saito, “Practice Reconsidered: From a ‘Pragmatist’ Standpoint,” a comment to Paul Standish at the symposium, “The Relevance of Educational Theory: Experience in the UK, Germany and Japan,” by Paul Standish, Christoph Wulf, and Yasuo Imai (東京大学、2003年10月1日). (English).
Paul Standish and Naoko Saito, “Development, Transcendence, and the Ordinary,” 教育思想史学会年次大会(目白大学、2003年9月28日). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Emersonian Perfectionism, Citizenship, and Education,” at the European Conference on Educational Research (Hamburg, September 19, 2003). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Awakening My Voice: Learning from Cavell’s Perfectionist Education,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, UK, April 13, 2003). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Education’s Hope: Transcending the Tragic with Emerson, Dewey, and Cavell,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Miami, March 27, 2003). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Deweyan Democracy, Emersonian Perfectionism, and Citizenship Education,” at the spring retreat of National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation (New York, March 15, 2003). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Education for Global Understanding: Learning from Dewey’s Visit to Japan,” at the biennial meeting of International Network of Philosophers of Education (Oslo, Norway, August 9, 2002). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Paul Standish and Naoko Saito, “Public and Private: Stanley Cavell and the Renewal of Language,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 20, 2002). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Gifts of Teaching” (a paper in response to Chris Higgins, “Teaching and the Dynamics of Recognition,”) at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 20, 2002). (English)
Naoko Saito, “Emersonian Perfectionist Education in an Age of Nihilism: Transcending the Tragic with Emerson and Cavell,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society at Great Britain (New College, Oxford, England, April 5-7, 2002). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Pragmatism and the Tragic Sense: Deweyan Growth in an Age of Nihilism,” at the annual meeting of The Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Portland, Maine, March 8, 2002) (Respondent: Raymond D. Boisvert, “Forget Emerson, Forget Growth, Embrace Anaximander: Pragmatism and the Tragic Sense”). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Education for Global Understanding: Learning from Dewey’s Visit to Japan,” at Department of Education, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK, February 7, 2002). (The Philosophy of Education of Great Britain, Cambridge Branch). (Invited talk) (English).
Naoko Saito, “Deweyan Growth and the Tragic Sense,” at Department of Education, University of Dundee (Dundee, Scotland, UK, February 4, 2002). (Invited talk)(English).
Naoko Saito, “Deweyan Democracy and Japanese Education: Toward Cross-Cultural Philosophical Dialogue,” at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (Seattle, April 14, 2001) (Summary read by the chair of the symposium). (English).
Naoko Saito, “Education for the Gleam of Light: Emerson’s Transcendentalism and its Implications for Contemporary Moral Education,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Chicago, March 31, 2001). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Dewey’s Naturalistic Philosophy of Growth and Democratic Education: Rereading Dewey in the Light of Emersonian Moral Perfectionism,” at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 2000). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Perfecting Democracy through Holistic Education: Dewey’s Naturalistic Philosophy of Growth Reconsidered,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Toronto, Canada, April 3, 2000). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Dewey’s Naturalistic Philosophy of Growth Reconsidered: Towards a Holistic Vision of Democratic Education,” at the fall meeting of Mid-Atlantic States Philosophy of Education Society (New Brunswick, November 1999). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “Empowering Democracy from the Perspective of the ‘I’: Rereading Dewey as an Emersonian Moral Perfectionist,” at the spring meeting of Mid-Atlantic States Philosophy of Education Society (New York, April 1999). (English) (Pee-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, “On the Education of the Heart: The Idea of Growth in Emerson and Cavell for Contemporary Education,” at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 1998). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, "Dewey's Idea of Sympathy and the Development of the Ethical Self: A Japanese Perspective," at the annual meeting of Philosophy of Education Society (Houston, Texas, March 1997). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
Naoko Saito, "Transformation of Japanese Moral Education from a Deweyan Perspective," at Colloquium, Philosophy of Education Research Center, Harvard University (Cambridge, April 24, 1996). (English).
Naoko Saito, "The Relationship of Sympathy to the Development of the Ethical Self: The Potential of Dewey's Idea of Sympathy from a Japanese Perspective," at the annual meeting of Mid-West Philosophy of Education Society (Chicago, November, 1995). (English) (Peer -reviewed).
Interviewer, Unpublished interview with Stanley Cavell (Cambridge, MA), April, 2006.
Interviewer, Unpublished interview with Stanley Cavell (Cambridge, MA), March 4, 2002.
Conference interpreting
Translator, Lecture given by Paul Standish, at the panel, “Educational thoughts in the Kyoto School of Philosophy: Towards an east-west dialogue,” at the biannual meeting of International Network for Philosophers of Education (京都大学、2008年8月11日).
Translator, Lecture given by David Hansen, “A Perspective on Cosmopolitan Education,” (京都大学、2005年11月11日).
Translator, Lecture given by Paul Standish, “Ethics and Education: Heidegger and Levinas,” (京都大学、2004年6月3日).
Translator, Lecture given by Paul Standish, “The Economy of Living: Stanley Cavell’s Rereading of Thoreau’s Walden,” (京都大学、2004年5月18日).
Translator, Lecture given by Paul Standish, “Educational Research and the Miseducation of Teachers,” at the symposium, “The Relevance of Educational Theory: Experience in the UK, Germany and Japan,” by Paul Standish, Christoph Wulf, and Yasuo Imai (東京大学、2003年10月1日).
Translator, Lecture given by Howard Gardner, “Creativity and Multiple Intelligences (MI) in Education,” (東京大学、2003年6月7日).
Translator, Lecture given by Paul Standish, “Citizenship, Identity Politics, and the Idea of Social Science,” (広島大学、2003年2月21日).
Translator, Lecture given by Paul Standish, “Moral Education, Liberal Education, and the Voice of the Individual” (東北大学、2003年1月28日).
Translator, Workshop, “Aesthetization of Ethics and (Im-)possibility of education: Aesthetics, body, and the public,” by Richard Shusterman, Paul Standish, Yasuo Imai, and Satoshi Higuchi (東京大学、2003年1月25日).
Translator, Symposium, “Relationship between Adulthood and Childhood” by Nel Noddings and Paul Standish (京都大学、2002年12月16日).
Translator, Symposium, “Limits of Understanding: How does education encounter the other?” by Paul Standish, Manabu Sato and Yasuo Imai (東京大学、2002年3月20日).
Translator, Lecture given by Richard Hayes, “Ethical Standards for the Professions in the 21st Century: Looking Back from the Future” at the training seminar held by the Institute for the Certificate for Family Therapists and Counselors (日本女子大学、2002年1月).
Co-organizer and translator, Lecture given by Paul Standish, “Reviving Education: What We Have to Learn from Postmodernism” (東京大学、2001年10月).
Translator, Lecture given by Paul Standish, “Ethics Before Equality: Moral Education After Levinas” (広島大学、2001年9月).
Translator, Symposium, “Nihilism and Education” by Rene Arcilla and Tadashi Nishihira at Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo (東京大学、1999年7月、8月).