- 齋藤直子『アメリカ哲学の夜明け』(みすず書房 出版予定)(*原稿提出済み)
- Paul Standish and Naoko Saito, Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell (Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, forthcoming, 2021) (English). (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, American Philosophy in Translation (Rowman and Littlefield, 2019) (English). (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子『<内なる光>と教育:プラグマティズムの再構築』(法政大学出版局2009年)
- Naoko Saito, The Gleam of Light: Moral Perfectionism and Education in Dewey and Emerson (New York: Fordham University Press, 2005/reprinted as a paperback, 2006) (English).
- Naoko Saito and Naomi Hodgson, Philosophy as Translation and the Understanding of Other Cultures (Routledge, 2019) (English).
- Naoko Saito, Paul Standish and Yasuo Imai (eds) Social Justice in Translation (University of Tokyo Press) (Japanese).
- Paul Standish and Naoko Saito (eds), Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Translation: The Truth is Translated (London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017) (English).
- Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, eds. Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups (New York: Fordham University Press) (2012) (English).
- Paul Standish and Naoko Saito, eds. Education and the Kyoto School of Philosophy: Pedagogy for Human Transformation (Springer Publishers) (2012) (English).
Naoko Saito, “Learning from Correct Blindness: James in Dialogue with Cavell,” The Jamesian Mind (Routledge) (Forthcoming)
Paul Standish and Naoko Saito, “Learning and Human Development,” Educational Foundations, Vol. 1. Philosophical Foundations of Education, ed. Winston C. Thompson (Bloomsbury) (forthcoming).
Naoko Saito, “The Twilight of the University,” in Shadows and Light: Critical and Constructive Readings of the Contemporary University, Sheena Hyland and Áine Mahon (eds) (English) (Peer-reviewed) (forthcoming)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Aautobiography: From Must We Mean What We Say? to Little Did I Know,” in Continuing Cavell, Juliet Floyd, Greg Chase and Sandra Laugier (English) (Peer-reviewed) (forthcoming)
Naoko Saito, “Teachings of Uncommon Schooling: American Transcendentalism and Education in Emerson, Thoreau and Fuller,” in History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Age of Enlightenment, Tal Gilead (Ed.) (Bloomsbury Press, forthcoming, 2021): 209-236. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Democracy as a Wway of Llife and An-archic Pperfectionism: Rereading Conditions Handsome and Unhandsome,” in Understanding Cavell, Understanding Modernism, Paola Marrati (Ed.) (Bloomsbury Press, forthcoming, 2021). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “The Feminine Voice in Philosophy,” in Methodological Reflections on Women’s Contribution and Influence in the History of Philosophy (Eds.) Thorgeirsdottir, Sigridur, (Springer, 2020): 159XXX-171YYY. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “From Comparison to Translation: Mutual Learning between East and West,” in East Asian Pedagogies: Education as Formation and Transformation Across Cultures and Borders, David Lewin and Karsten Kenklies (Eds.) (Springer, 2020): 179XXX-190YYY. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “John Dewey (1859-1952): Democratic Hope through Higher Education,” in Philosophers on the University: Reconsidering Higher Education, Ronald Barnett and Amanda Fulford (Eds.) (Springer,2020): 163-175 (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Two-Wway Iinternationalization: Education, Translation, and Transformation in Dewey and Cavell,” in The Oxford Handbook of Dewey, Steven Fesmire (Ed.) (Oxford University Press) (online publication, November 2017. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190491192.013.31 (link here); Print publiction August 2019: 575-593). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “John Dewey and ‘Beautiful Knowledge,’” in Springer International Handbook of Education, Paul Smeyers (Ed.), Vol. 1:135-145 (Springer, 2018). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
齋藤直子「正義の会話:アンコモンスクールの政治教育」『<翻訳>のさなかにある社会正義』齋藤直子、ポール・スタンディッシュ、今井康雄 共編(東京大学出版会 2018年): 219-239.
ポール・スタンディッシュ、齋藤直子、今井康雄「承認の政治学を超えて」『<翻訳>のさなかにある社会正義』齋藤直子、ポール・スタンディッシュ、今井康雄 共編(東京大学出版会 2018年):1-19.
Naoko Saito and Naomi Hodgson, “Introduction,” Naoko Saito and Naomi Hodgson (Eds), Special Issue, “Philosophy as Translation and the Understanding of Other Cultures,” Ethics and Education, Vol. 12 (2019):1-4. (English)
Naoko Saito, “Translation on its own terms? Toward education for global culture,” Naoko Saito and Naomi Hodgson (Eds.), Special Issue, “Philosophy as Translation and the Understanding of Other Cultures,” Ethics and Education, Vol. 12 (2017): 18-22. (English)
Paul Standish and Naoko Saito, “Introduction,” in Paul Standish and Naoko Saito (Eds.), Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Translation: “The Truth is Translated” (London: Rowman & Littlefield, March 2017): 1-9. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation and the Realism of the Obscure,” in Paul Standish and Naoko Saito (Eds.), Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Translation: “The Truth is Translated” (London: Rowman & Littlefield, March 2017): 11-23. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “The Immigrancy of the Self, Continuing Education” in Paul Standish and Naoko Saito (Eds.), Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Translation: “The Truth is Translated” (London: Rowman & Littlefield, March 2017) : 159-170. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Emerson and Japan: Finding a way of cultural criticism,” in A Power to Translate the World: New Essays on Emerson and international culture, Ricardo Miguel Alfonso and David LaRocca (Eds.).(Leanon, New Hampshire: The University Press of New England on Behalf of Dartmouth College Press, 2015): 217-235. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Conversation of Justice: Rawls, Sandel, Cavell, and Education for Political Literacy,” in Value and Values: Economics and Justice in an Age of Global Interdependence, R. Ames and P. Hershock (Eds.) (Hawaiʻi: University of Hawaiʻi Press, 2015): 312-323. (English) (Peer-reviewed).
齋藤直子「美的判断とチャンスの思想:デューイ、カベル、ケージ」ART TRACE PRESS, 第三巻 特集「Black Mountain College」(松浦寿夫、林道郎 編)(Art Trace 2015年): 52-65.
Paul Standish and Naoko Saito, “Cavell”, in Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy, D.C. Phillips (Ed.) (London: Sage, 2014): 111-113 (English)
Naoko Saito, “Compulsion without Coercion: Liberal Education through Uncommon Schooling,” in Philosophical Perspectives on Compulsory Education, Marianna Papastefanou (Ed.) (Springer Publishers) (2013): 61-74. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “‘We are alone, and we are never alone’: The political education of human nature,” in Education and the Kyoto School of Philosophy, Standish and Saito, (Eds.) (2012), (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “ ‘The Gleam of Light: Initiation, prophesy, and Emersonian Moral Perfectionism,” in Stanley Cavell and Education for Grownups, Saito and Standish, (Eds.) (2012). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
齋藤直子「幸福の追求:完成主義とリベラル・エデュケーション」『幸福感を紡ぐ人間関係と教育』子安増生、杉本均編(ナカニシヤ出版 2012年): 43-58.
Naoko Saito, “Leaving and Bequeathing: Friendship, Emersonian moral perfectionism and the gleam of light,” in Emerson and Thoreau: Figures of Friendship, John T. Lysaker and William Rossi, (Eds.) (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010): 172-185. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Reconstruction in Dewey's Pragmatism: Home, Neighborhood, and Otherness,” in John Dewey at 150: Reflections for a New Century, A. G. Rud, Jim Garrison, and Lynda Stone, (Eds.) (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2009): 84-95 (Chapter 8). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
齋藤直子「去る教師、遺す教師:カベルによる『ウォールデン』解釈と「解釈の政治学」」『変貌する教育学』矢野智司ほか編(世織書房 2009年): 77-103.
齋藤直子「科学の客観性・技術の普遍性——プラグマティズム、懐疑主義、悲劇の感覚——」『岩波講座 哲学<9>』飯田隆ほか編(岩波書店2008年): 133-154.
Naoko Saito, “Pragmatism, Tragedy, and Hope: Deweyan Growth and Emersonian Perfectionist Education,” in Pragmatism, Education, and Children: International Philosophical Perspectives, Michael Taylor, Helmut Schreier and Paulo Ghiraldelli, Jr. (Eds.) (New York: Rodpo NY, 2008): 75-95. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
Naoko Saito, “Growth and Perfectionism?: Dewey after Emerson and Cavell,” in John Dewey and Our Educational Prospect: A Critical Engagement with Democracy and Education, David Hansen (Eds.) (New York: Teachers College Press, 2006):81-96. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
齋藤直子「教育としての哲学、哲学としての教育:カベルの『センス・オブ・ウォールデン』を読む」『いま、哲学とはなにか』小林康雄ほか編(未来社2006年): 154-186.
ポール・スタンディッシュ、齋藤直子「スタンリー・カベルと『ウォールデン』の世界:日本の読者への誘い」『センス・オブ・ウォールデン』(スタンリー・カベル著/齋藤直子訳)(法政大学出版局): 213-240.
- 齋藤直子編『哲学のサブジェクト転換』(東京大学出版会)(*プロポーザル受理)
- Paul Standish and Naoko Saito (Eds.), Walden in Tokyo: Stanley Cavell and the Thought of Other Cultures (proposal to be submitted to Rowman & Littlefiled). (English)
- 齋藤直子、荒井祐介訳、リチャード. J. バーンスタイン著『プラグマティズム的出会い』(法政大学出版局、出版予定)(*プロポーザル受理)
- 齋藤直子監訳、ポール・スタンディッシュ著『教育の新たなエコノミーに向けて:言語、思考、ポスト構造主義』(法政大学出版局 2021年出版予定)
- 齋藤直子訳、ポール・スタンディッシュ著「社会正義とオクシデント」『<翻訳>のさなかにある社会正義』齋藤直子、ポール・スタンディッシュ、今井康雄 共編(東京大学出版会 2018年): 23-40.
- 齋藤直子訳、ポール・スタンディッシュ著「ひとつの言語、ひとつの世界:教育を測る共通尺度、教育が測る共通性」『<翻訳>のさなかにある社会正義』齋藤直子、ポール・スタンディッシュ、今井康雄 共編(東京大学出版会 2018年): 137-151.
- 齋藤直子訳、ポール・スタンディッシュ著『自己を超えて:ウィトゲンシュタイン、ハイデガー、レヴィナスと言語の限界』(法政大学出版局 2012年)606pp.
- 齋藤直子訳、ポール・スタンディッシュ著「生活のエコノミー・新たな教育のエコノミー」『生存科学』第22巻A(2011): 143-156.
- 齋藤直子訳、ポール・スタンディッシュ著「何も隠されてはいない:ウィトゲンシュタイン、透明性、言語の限界」『生存科学』第20巻B(2010): 137-147.
- 齋藤直子訳「ケアリング」佐藤学監訳、ネル・ノディングス著『学校におけるケアの挑戦:もうひとつの教育を求めて』(ゆみる出版 2007年):42-64.
- 齋藤直子訳「自己をケアすること」佐藤学監訳、ネル・ノディングス著『学校におけるケアの挑戦:もうひとつの教育を求めて』(ゆみる出版 2007年):143-172.
- 齋藤直子訳、スタンリー・カベル著『センス・オブ・ウォールデン』(法政大学出版局2005年)(*ポール・スタンディッシュとの共著による解説つき)244pp.
- 齋藤直子訳、スタンリー・カベル著「没落に抵抗すること:文化の哲学者としてのウィトゲンシュタイン」『現代思想』第26巻第1号(1998年): 60-77
- 齋藤直子訳、スタンリー・カベル著「日常性への回帰:アメリカの声・私の声」(スタンリー・カベル、インタビュー)『現代思想』第26巻第1号(1998年):50-59.
- 齋藤直子訳、ヘンリー・ジルー著「教育理論への転換」『教育学年報4 個性という幻想』(世織書房1995年): 179-202.
- Naoko Saito, “Bridging Gender Divides: Towards Transcendentalist Feminism,” Educational Theory (Forthcoming)
- 齋藤直子「多文化主義とコスモポリタニズム」『教育哲学事典』(丸善出版)(2022年6月出版予定)
- 齋藤直子「エマーソン」『教育哲学事典』(丸善出版)(2022年6月出版予定)
- Naoko Saito and Tomohiro Akiyama, ”Distance Education and Pursuit of the Common at the Time of COVID-19: Ontology of Separation," Philosophy of Education 2021 (Forthcoming).
- Naoko Saito, “Philosophy, Education and Translation: Towards Bidirectional Academic Exchange ” International Panel, “Internationalization of Philosophy of Education in the Age of Globalization,”online journal of Japan Philosophy of Education (to be published in 2020forthcoming).
- Naoko Saito, “Learning from Disequilibrum, Educating the Feminine Voice in Philosophy”, The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, (2021年1月出版予定): XXX-YYY (English)(Peer-Reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Response: Naoko Saito, Finding as Founding: Rejoinder to René Arcilla’s Review, Naoko Saito, Associate Professor of Education at Kyoto University, Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501”, Studies in Philosophy and Education, Vol. 39XX, No. YY: 677XXX-680YYY (2020) (English) (Peer-Reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “American Philosophy, Translation and the Time of the Pandemic: A Rejoinder toe Ruth Heilbronn and Adrian Skilbeck”, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 54XX, No. 5YY: 1306XXX-1313YYY (2020) (English) (Peer-Reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「哲学的に伝えるということ、『「自分を変える」ということ』『近代教育フォーラム』第29号(2020):232-235.
- Naoko Saito, “Reclaiming the Feminine Voice in American Transcendentalism: Bridging Divides in Political Education,” Philosophy of Education 2020. (2020) (English) (Peer-Reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「哲学、教育、翻訳:双方向的な学術交流に向けて」『教育哲学研究』第121号(2020): 32-39.
- Naoko Saito, “The Politics of Ordinary: Reverberations of the Feminine Voice”, Philosophy of Education 2019, (2020): 723-736. (English)(Peer-Reviewed).
- Naoko Saito, “Educating the Feminine voice in Philosophy” Philosophy of Education 2018, No.1 (2019): 122-135 (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Continuing Education with Stanley Cavell,” Special Issue, “Acknowledging Stanley Cavell,” Conversations: Journal of Cavell Studies, No. 7 (2019): 54-59 (online publication) (English) DOI:
- 齋藤直子「翻訳としての哲学:<他>方向的な教育の国際学術交流に向けて」『教育学研究』第86巻第2号(2019): 162-175.
- Naoko Saito, “Excellent Sheep or Wild Ducks? Reclaiming the Humanities for Beautiful Knowledge,” Philosophy of Education 2017 (2019): 431-445. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “What Measures Justice? What Justifies Happiness? Emersonian Moral Perfectionism and the Cultivation of Political Emotions The Special issue of the Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 51, No. 5: 478-487 (December 2017). (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Editorial Preface: Democracy and Political Education”, Educational Studies in Japan: International Year Book, No. 13 (2019): 1-4. (English) (Peer-Reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, "Changing Politics: Thoreau, Dewey and Cavell, and Democracy as a Way of life", Contemporary Pragmatism, Vol. 15, No 2 (June 2018): 179-193. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Philosophy, Translation and the Anxieties of Inclusion,” Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 52, No.2 (May 2018): 197-215. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Pragmatism, Analysis and Inspiration: Continuing Education with Hilary Putnam,” Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, 38.2, Special Section, “Putnam and Pragmatism” (2017): 445-460. (English)
- Naoko Saito, “Criticism of Criticisms,” Educational Theory, Vol. 67, No. 5: 599-604 (April 2018) (English)
- Naoko Saito, “Useful Knowledge and Beautiful Knowledge in Dewey and Thoreau,” Educational Sciences, 7(2) Democracy and Education at 100, Paul Standish (Ed.) (Online 2017):59. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Critical Thinking and Resilience: Some Possibilities of American Thought,” Philosophy of Education 2014 (2017): 285-293. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “American Philosophy and its Eastern Strains: Crisis, Resilience, and Self-Transcendence,” Special issue, "Dewey’s Democracy and Education in an Era of Globalization," Andrea English & Mordechai Gordon (Eds.), Educational Philosophy and Theory 48.10 (2016): 1065-1076. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Gifts from a Foreign Land: Lost in Translation and the Understanding of Other Cultures,” Philosophy of Education 2015: 436-444. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「際に立つプラグマティズム」特集「今なぜプラグマティズムか」『現代思想』第43巻第11号(青土社): 54-79.
- Naoko Saito, “Taking a Chance: Education for Aesthetic Judgment and Criticism of Culture,” Ethics and Education Vol. 10, No. 1 (2015): 96-104. (English) (Peer-reviewed).
- Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation and Understanding Other Cultures: Becoming a Global Citizen through Higher Education,” Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, No. 9 (2015): 17-26. (English) (Peer-reviewed). Naoko Saito, “Taking a Chance: Education for Aesthetic Judgment and Cultural Criticism,” in Ethics and Education Vol. 10, No. 1 (2015): pp. 96-104. (English) (Peer-reviewed).
- 飯田隆、三澤紘一郎、小野文生、齋藤直子、ポール・スタンディッシュ「『自己を超えて』―哲学のサブジェクト転換」『近代教育フォーラム』第23巻 (2014): 227-237.
- 齋藤直子、松浦寿夫、小島静二、ポール・ポールスタンディッシュ「専門職の実践における判断の性質と役割についての研究会」『生存科学』第25-1巻 (2014):109-120.
- Naoko Saito, “Exceeding Thought: Standing on Tiptoe between the Private and the Public,” Philosophy of Education 2013 (2013): 108-116. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Hilary Putnam, Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, “Interview with Hilary Putnam,” Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 48, No. 1: 1-27 (2014). (English) (Peer-reviewed).
- 齋藤直子、渡邊福太郎、丸山恭司、朱燁「「教育としての哲学」の条件:ポール・スタンディッシュ著『自己を超えて』をめぐって『教育哲学研究』第107号 (2013) : 221-228.
- Naoko Saito, “Conversation without Conversion: Becoming Political in Uncommon Schools,” Philosophy of Education 2012 (2012): 281-289. (English) (Peer-reviewed).
- 齋藤直子「収束点なき会話:アンコモンスクールの教育」『生存科学』第23巻A: 119-132(2012) .
- Naoko Saito, “Is Thoreau More Cosmopolitan than Dewey?” Pluralist, Vol. 7, No. 3 (2012):71-85. (English) (Peer-reviewed) *Award winning paper (Joseph L. Blau Prize)
- 齋藤直子「途上にあり続ける公共性、生成し続けるデューイ」『公共的良識人』(第103回公共哲学京都フォーラム「アメリカの代表的な公共する人間としてのジョン・デューイ」)第237号(2011):4-5.
- Naoko Saito, “Quiet Desperation, Silent Melancholy: Polemos and Passion in Citizenship Education,” Ethics and Education, Vol. 6, No. 1(2011): 3-14. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “From Meritocracy to Aristocracy: Towards a Just Society for the ‘Great Man’,” Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 45, No. 1 (2011): 95-109. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Becoming Cosmopolitan: On the Idea of a Japanese Response to American philosophy,” Transactions in Charles S. Peirce Society, Vol. 47, No. 4 (Fall 2011): 507-523. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, “Crossing Borders Within: Stanley Cavell and the Politics of Interpretation,” Educational Theory, Vol. 60, No. 4 (2010): 419-433. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「「内なる光」と教育:偉人と異人を受容する社会へ」『生存科学』第20巻B: 119-132(2010): 124-135.
- Naoko Saito, “Finding Perfect Pitch: Reading Perfectionist Narrative with Stanley Cavell,” Philosophy of Education 2009 (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 2010): 279-287 (English). (A response paper by Paul Standish, “A Pitch of Education,” 288-290.)
- Naoko Saito, “Beyond Monolingualism: Philosophy as Translation and the Understanding of Other Cultures,” Ethics and Education, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2009): 131-139. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Reconstruction in Dewey’s Pragmatism: Home, Neighborhood and Otherness,” Education and Culture, 25.2 (2009): 101-114. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, “What’s the Problem with Problem-Solving?: Language, Skepticism and Pragmatism,” Contemporary Pragmatism, Vol. 6, No.1 (2009): 153-167. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Ourselves in Translation: Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Autobiography,” Journal of Philosophy of Education, 43.2 (2009): 253-267. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「プラグマティズムと超越主義の自然観:SolutionからDissolutionへ」『現代思想』第37巻第5号(青土社 2009年):260-280.
- Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, “Introduction to Beyond the Self,” 臨床教育人間学2008年年報第9号Clinical Pedagogy Record, Vol. 9 (京都大学大学教育学研究科 臨床教育学講座Kyoto: Graduate School of Education, 2009): 55-75. (English)
- Naoko Saito, “’Our Education is Sadly Neglected’: Reading, Translating and the Politics of Interpretation,” Philosophy of Education 2007 (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 2008): 139-147. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「おとなの教育としての哲学:デューイからカベルへ」『近代教育フォーラム』第16巻: 51-66 (2007).
- Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Translation: Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell” Educational Theory, Vol. 57, No. 3 (2007): 261-275. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「目覚めとしての教育 終わりなき成長の彼方、ウォールデン」『現代思想』第35巻第6号(2007):166-188. (Japanese).
- Naoko Saito, “Truth is Translated: Cavell’s Thoreau and the Transcendence of America,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 21, No. 2 (2007): 124-132. (English) (Peer-reviewed) (*Award winning paper, Iia and John Mellow Prize).
- Naoko Saito, “Philosophy as Education, Education as Philosophy: Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell,” Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 40, No. 3 (2006): 345-356. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「「大学院生主体の教育研究国際会議」と「連続講演会」が生み出したもの」(特集 臨床教育学と国際交流)『臨床教育人間学』第8号(2006):69-93.
- Naoko Saito, “Reawakening Global Awareness: Deweyan Religious Democracy Reconsidered in the Age of Globalization,” Studies in Philosophy and Education, Vol. 25, Issue 1-2 (2006): 129-144. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Perfectionism and the Love of Humanity: Democracy as a way of life after Dewey, Thoreau and Cavell,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. 20, No. 2 (2006): 91-103. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「父の言語のフェミニズム:スタンリー・カベルと解釈の政治学」『現代思想』第33号第10号(2005): 108-120.
- 齋藤直子「進行し続けるイメージ形成:デューイ、カベル、経験としてのアート」『現代思想』第33巻第8号(2005年): 176-195.
- Naoko Saito and Yasuo Imai, “In Search of the Public and the Private: Philosophy of Education in Post-War Japan,” Comparative Education, Vol. 40, No. 4 (November 2004): 584-594. (English)
- 齋藤直子「デューイのプラグマティズムの再構築:スタンリー・カベルのエマソン的道徳完成主義の視点から」『哲学雑誌』第119巻第791号(2004): 126-144.
- ポール・スタンディッシュ、齋藤直子「発達、超越、日常性:カベルによるソローの『ウォールデン』の再解釈」『近代教育フォーラム』第13号(2004): 159-168.
- Naoko Saito, “Citizenship without Inclusion: Religious Democracy after Dewey, Emerson and Thoreau,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 18, No. 3 (2004): 202-215. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子、ポール・スタンディッシュ「自らの声で——喪失、出立、再生:カベルによるエマソンの道徳的完成主義『現代思想』第32号第8号(2004): 128-151.
- Naoko Saito, “Education’s Hope: Transcending the tragic with Emerson, Dewey, and Cavell,” Philosophy of Education 2003 (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 2004): 182-190. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Awakening My Voice: Learning from Cavell’s Perfectionist Education,” Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2004): 79-89. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Education for Global Understanding: Learning from Dewey’s Visit to Japan,” Teachers College Record, Vol. 105, No. 9 (December 2003): 1758-1773. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Gifts of Teaching” (a paper in response to Chris Higgins, “Teaching and the Dynamics of Recognition”), Philosophy of Education 2002 (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 2003): 305-307. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Transcending the Tragic with Dewey and Emerson: Beyond the Morse-Boisvert debate,” Transactions of Charles S. Peirce Society, Vol. XXXIX, No. 2 (Spring 2003): 275-292. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「教育の希望」『近代教育フォーラム』第11号(2002): 27-36.
- Naoko Saito, “Pragmatism and the Tragic Sense: Deweyan Growth in an Age of Nihilism,” Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 36, No. 2 (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2002): 247-263. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Education for the Gleam of Light: Emerson’s Transcendentalism and its Implications for Contemporary Moral Education,” Philosophy of Education 2001 (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 2002): 144-152. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- ポール・スタンディッシュ、齋藤直子「平等に先立つ倫理:レヴィナス的道徳教育の再構築に向けて」『現代思想』第30号第4号(2002): 244-260.
- 齋藤直子「カベルによるエマソンの再解釈:道徳的完成主義にみられる教育の哲学」『教育学研究』第68号第3号(2001): 296-305.
- Naoko Saito, “Reconstructing Deweyan Pragmatism in Dialogue with Emerson and Cavell,” Transactions of Charles S. Peirce Society, Vol. XXXVII, No. 3 (Summer 2001) (Buffalo, New York: State University of New York): 387-406. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- Naoko Saito, “Perfecting Democracy through Holistic Education: Dewey’s Naturalistic Philosophy of Growth Reconsidered,” Philosophy of Education 2000 (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 2001): 155-163. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「終わりなき成長への挑戦:ヘーゲルとダーウィンの間のデューイ」『現代思想』第28巻第5号(2000年): 167-189.
- Naoko Saito, “On the Education of the Heart: The Idea of Growth in Emerson and Cavell for Contemporary Education,” Philosophy of Education 1998 (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 1999): 489-497. (English) (Peer-reviewed)
- 齋藤直子「もうひとつのこころの教育:エマソンとカベルの育ちの倫理」」『上廣倫理財団報告書』第9巻(1998): 55-68.
- 齋藤直子「共感:教育としての哲学のために」『学習評価研究』第9巻2号 (Fall 1998):83-85.
- 齋藤直子「こころとからだの自由な育ち:ニューヨークの進歩主義的実践校から」『学習評価研究』第9巻1号(1998):97-99.
- 齋藤直子「こころを開く」『学習評価研究』第8巻4号 (1998): 114-115.
- 齋藤直子「こころの教育について:現代社会に求められる生き方としての道徳」『学習評価研究』第8巻3号 (1997): 116-117.
- 齋藤直子「勇気ある自己の育ち:生き方としての民主主義を求めて」『現代思想』第25巻第12号(1997): 226-263.
- 齋藤直子「「ケア」の倫理に基づく教育」『学習評価研究』第8巻2号 (1997): 116-117.
- 齋藤直子「チャータースクール:アメリカの新しい学校の形」『学習評価研究』第8巻1号 (1997): 115-116.
- 齋藤直子「共通の知識」『学習評価研究』第7巻4号 (1997): 114-115.
- Naoko Saito, "Dewey's Idea of Sympathy and the Development of the Ethical Self: A Japanese Perspective," Philosophy of Education 1996 (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 1997): 389-396. (English)
- 齋藤直子「「内なる光」と民主主義の道徳的風景:デューイのなかのエマソンの声」『現代思想』第25巻第2号(1997): 290-309.
- 齋藤直子「共に語る」『学習評価研究』第7巻3号 (1997): 112-113.
- 齋藤直子「理論と実践をむすぶ」『学習評価研究』第7巻2号 (1996): 116-117.
- Naoko Saito, “Intelligent Sympathy and the Poetic Eye: John Dewey’s Ethics for Education,” 『認知過程研究』1996年度報告集No. 4 (1996): 85-96. (English)
- 齋藤直子「共通善形成のための自発的自己の育ち:ジョン・デューイのコミュニティと自己」『現代思想』第24巻第7号(1996): 168-186.
- 齋藤直子「知識を生きる」『学習評価研究』第6巻2号 (1995): 115-117.
- 齋藤直子「「頭の中」という信念はどこまで超えられるか」『学習評価研究』第6巻1号 (1995): 112-11.
- 齋藤直子「ジョン・デューイのインタラクション理論再考」『東京大学教育学部紀要』第34巻(1995): 49-59.
- 齋藤直子「「可能性」の実現としてのインタラクション:ジョン・デューイの世界と人間のとらえ方」『現代思想』第22巻第13号(1994): 317-333.
- 齋藤直子「How Do We Say What We Say? 言語の限界と哲学の教育―渡邉福太郎著『ウィトゲンシュタインの教育学:後期哲学と「言語の限界」』『近代教育フォーラム』第27巻(2018): 157-160.
- 齋藤直子 「Naoko Saito and Paul Standish (Eds.) Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups」(図書紹介)『近代教育フォーラム』第22巻 (2013): 321-324.
- 齋藤直子 「齋藤直子著『<内なる光9>と教育――プラグマティズムの再構築』――最も内なるものが、やがては最も外なるものになる。――The Inmost in Due Time Becomes to Outomost.」『近代教育フォーラム』第19巻 (2010): 239-244.
- Naoko Saito, “Reconsidering the Sense of the ‘Text-as-Friend’: Reply to Granger” (a response paper to David Granger’s Review of Saito’s The Gleam of Light), Studies in Philosophy and Education (2008): 481-484. (English)
- Naoko Saito, Review of Concepts of Aesthetic Education: Japanese and European Perspectives, edited by Yasuo Imai and Cristoph Wulf, Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, No. 2 (2007): 125-128. (English)
- Naoko Saito, Review of the book Inventing the Modern Self and John Dewey: Modernities and the Traveling of Pragmatism in Education. Teachers College Record, Article 12780 (2006, October 12). Retrieved April 11, 2007 from <>