Research Students
Name Photo Research
Kensuke Asai Kensuke Asai is a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University. His research interests are in the experience of otherness and its relation to the transformation of a human being. He is primarily studying the early works of Walter Benjamin and related philosophers, such as Jacques Derrida and Giorgio Agamben, in terms of educational communication with others; his master’s thesis is on Benjamin’s idea of translation and its relation to the idea of reflection.

Researchmap URL:

Kazunao Morita Kazunao Morita is a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University. His research area is educational thought and integral humanities. He is interested in exiled thinkers in the 20 century America who were sensing a cultural and philosophical conflict between “Europe” and “America.” He is seeking the educational implication of this kind of cross-cultural conflict. He is currently writing about the thought of Erich Fromm and its implications for education. He had been working as a JSPS research fellow and studied at McMaster University, Canada.

Kazuma Sogabe SOGABE Kazuma is a doctoral student at Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, as well as Lecturer in the Department of English at Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba, Japan. The purpose of his research is to reconsider political discourse and education (especially surrounding sexual minorities) in the contemporary world, based on the American philosophy of Stanley Cavell.





Researchmap URL:

E-mail: sogabe-k [@]

Shun Kajiwara Shun Kajiwara is a doctoral student at Graduate School of education, Kyoto University. His main research area is American philosophy and its implication for education and human life, concentrating on the works of John Dewey. His recent publication is “Pedagogical Significance of Shunsuke Tsurumi’s “Marginal Art”: A Comparison With John Dewey’s “Aesthetic Experience”” in “Kyoto University Research Studies in Education”(『京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要』), No. 70, pp. 247-260, 2024. His research interests are: Perception, Aesthetic Experience, and Functional Psychology.

Research Map:


Rina Kato Rina Kato is a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University.  Her research interests are the power,  the authority and  the otherness in educational relationship. She is primarily studying the works of Emmanuel Levinas. Her recent publication is “On the “Weight” of the Existence of Me: “Honte” in Levinas” in “Studies in the Philosophy of Education”(『教育哲学研究』), No. 124, pp.171-189, 2021.
kato.rina.47n [at]
Shohei Matsuoka Shohei Matsuoka is a graduate student at the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University. His main research is the philosophy of education. His recent research topic is “Why people are attracted to education?”. He tries to pursue this topic based on the philosophy of John Dewey. He has also an interest in the Kyoto school (especially Kitaro Nishida, Motomori Kimura).
松岡昌平 卒業論文:「アトラクションとしての教育ーデューイ教育思想における探究の変容ー」
Genta Yamamoto Genta YAMAMOTO is a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University and is also working as a Kyoto University Graduate Division Fellow. His research area is in philosophy of education, based on contemporary French philosophy (existentialism, ontology, post-structuralism). He is particularly interested in Jean-Luc Nancy’s philosophy and his notion of ‘éducation’ which enables one’s self to become singular through encountering the plurality of the others. He is also interested in media studies and the kind of praxis for this ‘éducation’ within ‘media’ (language, body).



