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- SPIRITS International Symposium, “Philosophy as Translation: American Philosophy in Cross-Cultural Settings” (November 17-18, 2014) at Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (Co-organized with Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies and the Nordic Pragmatism Network)
International Symposium
“Philosophy as Translation:
American Philosophy in Cross-Cultural Settings”
Date: November 17-18, 2014
Venue: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, seminar room 136 (Fabianinkatu 24)
In non-American contexts, what would “American philosophy” signify and what kind of role would it play? We are thinking first and foremost of those distinctive forms of philosophy that are found in transcendentalism and pragmatism. But how far are these necessarily American?
In response to these questions, this symposium will address the role of American philosophy in both American and non-American contexts through the dialogue among international scholars (including American, Asian and European scholars). We shall explore the reception of American philosophy in different cultural contexts, while at the same time considering its distinctive American aspect. Hence, American philosophy is to be understood in the light of the thematic of translation. More specifically, the presenters will explore its nature in dialogue with other strands of philosophy, including the Kyoto School of philosophy and aspects of poststructuralism.
This event is co-organized as part of Naoko Saito’s research project, “Philosophy as Translation and Understanding Other Cultures: Interdisciplinary Research in Philosophy and Education for Bidirectional Internationalization” (Supporting Program for Interaction-based Initiative Team Studies [SPIRITS] funded by Kyoto University) in collaboration with the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (with Sami Pihlstrom) and the Nordic Pragmatism Network.
Program [ PDF file ]
Monday, November 17
9.30 – 9.45
Opening (Naoko Saito and Sami Pihlström)
Session I (Chair: Naoko Saito)
9.45 – 10.45
Stanley Cavell, the Ordinary, and Democratization of Culture-s
Sandra Laugier (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
10.45 – 11.45
Rebuking Hopelessness
Paul Standish (Institute of Education, London)
11.45 – 13.30
lunch break
Session II (Chair: Henrik Rydenfelt)
13.30 – 14.30
Philosophy as Translation? Reflections on Terrence Malick’s Post-Pragmatism
Heikki A. Kovalainen (IASR / University of Tampere)
14.30 – 15.30
Problems in Translation
Ian Munday (University of Stirling)
15.30 – 16.00
coffee break
Session III (Chair: Sami Pihlström)
16.00 – 17.00
Meaning, Conduct and Cultures of Inquiry
Henrik Rydenfelt (University of Helsinki)
17.00 – 18.00
The Pragmatics of Translation and the Transposition of Practices
Vincent Colapietro (Pennsylvania State University)
Tuesday, November 18
Session IV (Chair: Heikki A. Kovalainen)
10.00 – 11.00
Emerson’s Philosophical Style
Russell B. Goodman (University of New Mexico)
11.00 – 12.00
Realism of the Obscure: Cavell, Thoreau and Philosophy as Translation
Naoko Saito (Kyoto University / HCAS)
12.00 – 13.30
lunch break
Session V (Chair: Paul Standish)
13.30 – 14.30
The Im/possibility to Speak: Cavell and Agamben on Culture and (Re)vitalization
Joris Vlieghe (Edinburgh University)
14.30 – 15.30
American Junctures in Modern Japanese Thought: Centering on Nishida, Sōseki, and Maruyama
Nobuo Kazashi (Kobe University)
15.30 – 16.00
coffee break
Session VI (Chair: Sari Kivistö)
16.00 – 17.00
The Cries of the Wounded in Pragmatism
Sami Pihlström (HCAS / University of Helsinki)
17.00 – 17.30
Closing (Sami Pihlström and Naoko Saito)